Take This Step and You Will Have A Different Future
How to apply?
Registration for challenge weekend online (Application)
Raleigh Hong Kong selects committed and determined young people aged between 16 and 24, who are residents of Hong Kong, to represent Hong Kong to go on an overseas expedition. Young people with a desire to develop themselves and at the same time help others to improve the environment are ideal applicants. The Raleigh experience will provide the chance for all participants to know each other and widen their horizons. The only requirement is able to communicate in basic English.
Volunteer Manager
Raleigh expeditions need well-qualified staff to act as youth leaders, scientific officers, mountaineers, canoeists or medical and safety officers. Individuals aged 25 or above with a genuine interest in youth development and the projects undertaken by Raleigh can apply. Staff will be classified as unpaid volunteers and are required to fund their own airfare and daily living costs. They are expected to be on the expedition for 8 to 13 weeks.
Purposes of Challenge Weekend
To provide an opportunity for young people to better understand themselves, breakthrough their limits and explore their potentials;
To select a suitable candidate to go on the expedition;
To experience the environment and scenario that venturers may encounter in a real expedition (4 to 10-week overseas voluntary services).
It is by itself a positive learning experience and self-developing opportunity to all those who participate. We believe that by participating in a challenge weekend, you will get to know yourself better. So, it is just a small step forward at the start of your Raleigh journey and kick-starts your big step in life.
How to prepare?
The 30-hour activity is a physical and psychological challenge to the participants. Participants are advised to start a physical training one month before the challenge weekend and have adequate rest before the challenge weekend.
Necessary items:
Please judge for your preparations before the 2-day and 1 night camp. You are not required to bring food, water, cooking utensils, tents and sleeping bags.
Items that must be included:
1. Waterproof whistle;
2. Compass;
3. Flash torch or headlight;
4. An empty water tank which can contain 3 liters of water;
5. Personal medicine (e.g asthma pills);
6. A set of wrapped and dry clothes;
7. Raincoat or waterproof jacket;
8. A plastic bag (black and thick).
9. Into food utensils, such as bowls, chopsticks, forks, spoons, etc.
HK$400 is required to participate in the challengew weekend. The fee must be submitted, together with the application. (The fee is non-refundable once the registration is accepted)
雷利計劃 ( 香港 ) 歡迎16至24歲的香港居民參加。理想的申請者須有志發掘自我潛能並樂於助人及改善環境。雷利計劃的經驗將為每位參加者提供彼此認識並擴闊自我領域的機會,唯一的條件是具備基本英語溝通能力。
雷利計劃 ( 香港 ) 需徵用合資格人士擔任青年領隊、科學主任、攀山指導員、獨木舟指導員及醫療與安全主任。凡年滿 25 歲或以上,對青年發展及雷利計劃的內容有濃厚興趣者均歡迎應徵有關職位。職員屬義工性質,並須自行支付機票及日常開支。旅程為期約8至13個星期。
讓申請者體驗他們將可能在為期 4 至 10 星期的歷程所面對的環境和挑戰,對歷程有初步認識。
如何準備 ?
為期 30 小時的挑戰營,是對參加者的身心的挑戰。參加者最好在挑戰營舉行的一個月前開始體能訓練,並於挑戰營前有充足的休息。
足夠容納 3 公升水的空水樽;
一個垃圾膠袋 (黑色及厚身)。
進食用具,例如碗、筷子、 叉、匙等
參加挑戰營需繳付 HK$400 。費用須與申請一同遞交。( 報名一經接納,已繳交的費用將不會退還 )